Epic Legal Win for The Anti-Vax Movement!
Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
HUGE Legal Victory – HFDF Wins Appeal in Ninth Circuit
PUBLIUS SPECIAL GUEST: Leslie Manookian, president and founder of Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), a nonprofit which seeks to rectify health injustice through education, advocacy, and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws, and policies that undermine our health freedoms and human rights.
A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by the Los Angeles school district, noting that the record doesn’t clearly show whether the vaccines prevent transmission of the illness.
The Health Freedom Defense Fund and other challengers to the mandate asserted that it violated the due process and equal protection rights of district employees, in part because the vaccines, unlike traditional vaccines, “are not effective” in preventing infection.
U.S. District Judge Dale Fischer disagreed, throwing out the case in 2022. She ruled that even if the COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent infection, mandates can be imposed under a 1905 U.S. Supreme Court ruling because the vaccines reduce symptoms and prevent severe disease and death.
A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on June 7 reversed that ruling, finding that Judge Fischer extended the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling “beyond its public health rationale—government’s power to mandate prophylactic measures aimed at preventing the recipient from spreading disease to others—to also govern ‘forced medical treatment’ for the recipient’s benefit.”
BIO: Leslie Manookian is a former successful Wall Street business executive and award-winning documentary filmmaker.
Originally from Idaho, Manookian’s career in finance took her from New York to London with Goldman Sachs. She later became Director of Alliance Capital in London running their European Growth Portfolio Management and Research businesses. She conceived, wrote, and produced, The Greater Good, an award-winning documentary on vaccines.
In addition to the Health Freedom Defense Fund Board, Leslie currently serves on the boards of the Weston A. Price Foundation and Health Freedom Idaho. She is a qualified homeopath, nutrition and wellbeing junky, and a health freedom advocate.
Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), led by Leslie, filed over a dozen lawsuits in the past two and a half years. The most significant lawsuit, Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. President Biden et al., ended the federal travel mask mandate nationwide.
Leslie Manookian, president and founder of Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), a nonprofit which seeks to rectify health injustice through education, advocacy, and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws, and policies that undermine our health freedoms and human rights.