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RE: "As Famous Dems Like RFK Jr. & Tulsi Join Trump... Bush, McCain and Romney People throw in with Kamala"

I hope no one is seriously surprised by Bush, McCain, and Romney people throwing in with Kamala.

There is reason they are called RINO. They are not Republican - THEY ARE STONE COLD LIARS.

They call themselves Republicans, but they hate America and they love the One World Order.

It is despicable that Romney has the gall to pontificate his self righteous garbage about Trump.

Trump has vowed to stop the entire experimental, irreversible, surgical sexual mutilation of children.


There are dozens of reasons not to support Democrats but THAT ISSUE ALONE IS A REASON NOT TO SUPPORT KAMALA HARRIS.

What kind of despicable, sick, demonic monsters would support this literal satanic evil? 👹👹

Trump has been such a breath of fresh air. Trump has exposed the Satanists that claim they are "republicans". No real republicans support the surgical sexual mutilation of children.

Is Trump perfect? Hell no. Neither am I. But an imperfect Trump is a saint compared to the literal Satanists in the Democrat/RINO "republican" party.

When you see someone as far left as Tulsi Gabbard - who voted for Biden - bail out...

When you see someone as far left as RFK JR - who walked back his former support for full term murder for babies - endorse Trump, its pretty clear how insane the Democrat/Rino's really are.

You can read all about the horrific suicides caused by the surgical sexual mutilation of children, the devastation, the physical pain and suffering cause by the castration of little boys and the trauma they suffer afterwards Here:


DemoNcrats defend child molesters like Epstein, and campaign against the chemical castration of rapists - but support the PHYSICAL CASTRATION of little boys!

Pure demonic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-UHgW87RqQ

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