It takes a brain cell to realize the IRS Scandal was not solely a Democrat venture. John McShitstain was all in. He sent his pitbull, Henry Kerner, to shakedown Lois Lerner, blaming Sarah Palin for his wipeout in the ‘08 election. Far be it for the Hero of American Democracy to look in the mirror an own the fact that he was repugnant, a lousy candidate and opted for Palin on the advice of… ready? Rick Wilson, Eric Schmidt, Rick Getes… Yup, Kerner went to Lois and pressured her to “ audit ( the same TeaParty and Pro-Israel Orgs) until financially ruinous”.

Here’s where it only gets worse. Trump, the “ Stable Genius” who never gets tired of winning appointed Henry Kerner to head the Office of Ethical Oversight Special Counsel”. Kerner, who still heads the department is responsible for the Mueller Investigation, Ukraine Hoax Impeachment, putting forth charging Kellyanne Conway with the Hatch Act and the latest corrupt Machiavellian Trump investigation.

McStain,Kerner,Kramer,Avril Haines, Killery, Biden, Obama,,Graham,Soros we’re the instigators of the Russia Hoax, in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Libyan “ Arab Spring” Benghazi lie, overthrowing Egypt’s Mubarak, arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, the 2014 Ukrainian color revolution, training and arming the Azov Nazis and the created Maidan Massacre as well as Fast and Furious… to name just a few minor peccadilloes.

Ever wonder why these big “ investigations” never end with resolutions or prosecutions? When you have a corrupt UniParty and Deep State and an inept faction of the GOP who are only focused on overturning Roe, having fits about the “ Sodomites” and quoting gospel, we’re long overdue to purge and remake the party. Unfortunately, there is no path to forge new parties.

I believe McCarthy wants to do the right thing. McConnell is irreemable. He’s repugnant.

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